I started it on Jan. 14th & if it hadn't been for the beads/charms, I would have been done yesterday, making it one full month. Now it's a month + 1 day, which isn't too bad I don't think! :-) I'm so thrilled to have it finished & now I have a list as long as your arm for what I want to stitch next! ;-)
The pic should be clickable to see a slightly larger image if you'd like!
I know lots of folks are stithcing a rotation and I've though about giving that a try, but not sure I can. I think I'll start 4-5 NEW pieces & just stitch on whatever calls my name that evening when I sit down to stitch! ;-) First though, I have two ornaments & an emery to stitch. I'm a tad behind on my commitment stitching, but I'll catch up real soon I hope!
This past week was crazy busy... remind me not to pick the week after Market to make so many appointments. First I spent Tuesday afternoon at the eye doctor. Seems I now have not one but THREE cataracts. It's a wonder I can see at all at this point. Two are on my left eye & one on my right. As of last May I only had one on my left. Seems surgery might be closer than we'd first planned. We'll see in a few months. He says he gives up on me... I'm one of the most difficult patients he has as every year it seems to be something different or worse. Ever read the eye chart & see two of each letter, one on top of the other? No, not normal? He didn't seem to think so either for some reason! lol Anyway, I always seem to get a horrible headache anytime my eyes are dilated, and I had it for well over 24 hours. Doesn't help when you need to work on the computer OR you want to stitch. A new prescription for glasses won't help my wonderful 20/40 vision (that's with bifocals) so I guess I'll have to hang in there. I did, however, find a really wonderful pair of frames that I really needed... so a new pair of glasses should be ready to be picked up this week one day. They're cool, and RED! :-) Go figure huh..... ME pick something red? ;-)
Yesterday Ray & I shared our 21st anniversary. So hard to believe we've been married for 21 years! How did we get to this age this quickly? We're we 18 & 21 just a few years ago? (our ages when we met!). Next up are our birthdays (both in March). Talk about time flying by..... and lots of gray hair to boot! lol
Hope you had a great Valentine's Day and have a wonderful week ahead. Happy stitching!
Amy, it's beautiful! You stitched that so fast! Happy belated Anniversary! I hope you and Ray had a wonderful day!
P.S. I'm so sorry about your eyes. I hope you feel better soon!!
Beautiful finish! Just lovely!
It's absolutely gorgeous, I'm jealous :)
Oh my, you stitched that so fast! It's really beautiful, Amy, well done!
Absolutely beautiful finish! I love this sampler...and I"m sure that it will look stunning in your home.
Wow! Looks amazing Amy! Congrats.
Wonderful finish!!!!
I hear you on the eyes problems..... My doctor has gave up on me, too, and I'm only in my 30's..... I guess I better take better care of them or I'll be blind pretty soon..... ;-p
Happy anniversary~
WOW! I can't believe how fast you stitched that up!!! Do you have a cook and a housekeeper so you can stitch all day??! HA!
Did a search for cross stitch and found your blog. Wow! You are a fast little stitcher. Absolutely beautiful and I am sure even more so in person.
Your piece is beautiful! Congrats on the finish & Happy Anniversary.
Your JN piece is beautiful. You did a great job on it. So fast too. I hope you and Ray had a Happy Anniversary. Here's to many more.
It's beautiful Amy. And you finished it so fast, great job.
Beautiful job, Amy!
Congratulations on your finish - it's beautiful!
Congratulations Amy! Great finish!
Wow, you blasted through in a MONTH? Two years for me, probably. And it's just gorgeous.
Wow, your needles still must be smoking from stitching up your Just Nan piece so quickly, lol. Congratulations on a great finish!
Congrats Amy! It's Gorgeous and you stitched it so quickly!!!
It's stunning and while that may have taken you a month it would have taken me a year! Happy Anniversary!
Beautiful finish. Your needle must have been flying!
Absolutely gorgeous Amy, well done!
Just beautiful! Congrats!
Happy Anniversary!
I can't believe how fast you stitched that Just Nan piece! WOW
You are a speedy stitcher.
I have to go to the eye doctor myself. Ugg! I had going! Hope your eyes get better!
Great finish
That JN piece is BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely gorgeous.
Happy Anniversay to you and Ray. May you both have many more years filled with love and laughter.
As for the cataracs, your stitching is so fabulous now can you imagine how much more you'll do once they are gone. :)
21 years! Eee gads, how did that happen? :) Congrats!
And congrats on that lovely JN finish--so how did you manage to see to do that beautiful piece?! Poor dear, hope you get a vision miracle.
Congrats on the beautiful finish!!
A beautiful finish Amy. Happy Anniversary to you and DH.
Hi Amy, congratulations on the finish - it's beautiful! I also wonder how the time flys by so fast! Happy Anniversary :)
Congratualtions on a lovely finish. I especially love the hopping bunny!
How very, very pretty Amy, I didn't know you had finished.
Just beautiful!
That is wonderful, Amy. I can't believe you stitched such a big sampler in just one month...
I started to stitch in rotation as well but I am not too happy with that. It doesn't fee like real big fun any more if one has to stitch this or that on a special day. But I will stick to it a little bit longer to see if I will get used to it.
Wow wow wow wow. That is gorgeous!!! Happy belated anniversary. Sorry about your eyes--take care of yourself!
congrats on finishing the sampler. It is beautiful.
You have done a fabulous job on this piece! It's absolutely gorgeous! BRAVO!!!
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