Yesterday was a really fun day! I had several friends over to stitch. Here's a pic to start - from the left, Karen SC, Linda NC, Amy SC, Faye NC, Debbie SC. Renee SC was here but she left early so she didn't get in the pic.
All of these ladies met each other for the first time & we talked & talked & talked. Everyone had a great time. I met Debbie for the first time & am looking forward to seeing her again. AND they're all going to the Pals Fall Fling in October, so that will really be fun. Nicole, you were missed yesterday. Will be looking forward to seeing you again soon though!

Linda remembered that I not only an a stash-a-holic, but I also ADORE fabrics. She had been shopping at a quilt shop & picked up these WONDERFUL fabrics for me as a gift. I was on cloud 9! Aren't they gorgeous? The Christmas pieces are cute as can be and will go great with all the new Lizzie Kate's and the Blackbird pieces, OMG! She even had the DMC to go with it! I can't wait to just whip something out to use these with! :-) Oh, and she had it wrapped in red & tied with that really cute r/w/b "America" ribbon that I can also use! :-) Thank you again Linda, I appreciate it so much!
Faye made me this LOVELY fob... it's red and has a pretty tree charm and a charm that says "hope" on it. She also made the pretty card. Faye, thank you again, I love it & will be putting it on scissors today. :-)
After Nicole's visit last Saturday & her showing me her Rolaframe, I decided that's really what I needed, esp. after she showed me how it went together. No basting or taping (I'm too lazy for that, lol), etc... the fabric fits on little "needles" or "nails" and then you just put the pieces back together. It's really quite ingenious! I found the company (with Nicole's help, thank you again!) and ordered some for DSL. They arrived on Friday afternoon & I had my piece all ready to go by Friday night. Have to say, LOVE these! A couple of the gals yesterday liked them too & took some home. Can't wait to hear how they like them once they use them. They're very lightweight & easy to use, or at least I think so!
I've started a Drawn Thread that's been on my "to do" list for years... or actually 4 of them. This is the beginning of "Spring Arbor". I'm going to do all 4 on one piece of fabric... Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter. Looking forward to this one.... love the silks & the speciality stitches!
And last but not least, here is an update on Brenda Keyes/Heaven Doth Ask. I'm enjoying it and have the first page almost finished. The border is taking awhile, but that's okay. It will be worth it in the end.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Have a great week ahead & happy stitching!
Sounds like you had a great time Amy! Always nice to get together with fellow stitchers!!
I adore your stitching!! Always looking here for updates...don't always comment (lazy that way..LOL) but I check regularly....just so you know!
I'm almost done one of the charts I ordered from you in June...loving every minute of it!!
Will post on my Blog when it is done.
Take care
Sounds like a great time. I hope that someday I will be able to meet more of my stitching friends.
Your work is gorgeous!
How fun that you could all get together. Your new start on the new frame looks great. And I agree the border is worth it, very nice. CJ ok;-)
Sounds like a lot of fuN! Your WIPs look great and the scissor fob was a lovely gift.
How fun to have a get together! Looks like you have been busy with stitching! Both pieces are beautiful! The frames sound interesting! I will be anxious to see them.
Busy, busy lady! It must be great to have stitchers around you...Your stitching looks beautiful and looking forward to seeing more :)
Looks like you all had so much fun!! Hope to see you next month! :)
Great friends, gifts and stash! What an awesome weekend, I'm jealous! Happy to hear you had some fun!
Sounds like a great time stitching with friends. Lovely gifts!!! Great progress on your WIP's as well!
It's wonderful to meet fellow stitchers, it sounds like you had a great time. Hope you do it again.
Lovely stitching :)
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Is that you in the white t-shirt Amy? I like to put a face to a name!
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