Nicole came over today we had a great day catching up, it's been too long since she's been here. There was lots of chatting & laughing, a nice lunch out & then we got down to business & STITCHED! ;-) We both love the new Little House Needleworks "Simple Joys" so we decided to have our own SAL. ;-) I had some 32 ct Lakeside Buttercream that I've been drooling over for awhile (don't worry, it was in a bag & protected) & decided it needed to be used for this. So we cut the fabric, pulled threads & got to it. We both finished the border this afternoon - yeah for us! This is going to be a fun stitch, and I can't wait to get back to it this evening. :-)

Below are pics of some of the things I've stitched over the past month or so & not finished (or posted!). There are a couple more, but I don't know where they are right this second. Some are ornaments for myself or for the Pals Fall Fling coming up in October. Some are pieces I stitched "just because".
Sue Hillis ornament from 2008 JCS Mag - model has buttons, but my "finishing" isn't done yet, so we'll see what I decide to do....

Erica Michaels - have had this one kitted for years! Took it to the beach & started it there.....

An ornament from an older Leisure Arts magazine. It's so simple but I love embroidery and I think it's adorable!!

A pattern that I found online - love this one! I decided to make the birds blue & add a few blue buttons....

Heartstring Samplery - I Will Stitch You In My Heart - with colors changes, of course! I stitched this one at the beach a couple of weeks ago.

Heart In Hands - Monthly Markings May - just love this little birdie!

That's all for now! :-)
Thanks for stopping by & happy stitching!!
I absolutely LOVE all of your new stitches~~~ And, I know you and Nicole had the best time! I am jealous!!!! You two are best of friends and who better to spend a nice Saturday with than a good stitching friend~~~ See you soon, Faye
Hi Amy! I've been home for about an hour now. I had so much fun - thank you again! I love all your finishes - they're so so pretty. I'm working on Simple Joys right now! I'm loving it!! :)
Goodness you have been busy! Love the bluebirds with the lace...that worked perfectly. Glad you and Nicole had a great time.
Great new start too...can't wait to see then progress. Hope to join y'all stitching soon! Happy stitches.
Lots of beautiful finishes! They all look lovely.
Your start on Simple Joys looks great.
What fun to get together with a good friend and stitch, chat and eat! All of your finishes are wonderful!
Looking forward to the progress on your new start.
Wow..they are all gorgeous. I love the idea of using buttons with it: inspiration galore! thank you ;-)
Sounds like you and Nicole had a fun day?
Love all your stitching especially the blue birds with the lace!
Wow, lots of great finishes. Can't wait to see your progress on Simple Joys.
love them all AMy! i really like the bird one you found online with the lace and buttons!
Glad you and Nicole had a great day together and I also love the new, Simple Joy, pattern. Can't wait to see it finished.
Some lovely new stitches - what a great way to show off a little blue button collection :)
Loving that little blue bird too - maybe because of his cute friend catching a lift!
Wow!! What an awesome array you've kept tucked away! Love them, love them, love them!! Happy stitching :)
Fantastic stitching! I like the blue birds & buttons you added to the needle - pattern : )
I love all your finishes! You are so talented!! I really like the color change for the Needles and the blue and white buttons. Was this a freebie? If so do you remember where you got it?
Gorgeous! Amy, your stitching really inspires me.
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