Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Up For A Challenge??? ;-)

Okay, I decided to join in the "Up for a Challenge" blog this year, and according to Karen, who was just here for the day, she thinks I have the right idea!  ;-)  Poor Karen got all nervous seeing all my pile of WIP's/UFO's.   She's promised to *encourage* me this year to get at least some of them finished.  I'm hoping she'll be able to help - though she might have to use some *tough love* at some point - I'm ready though.  I can admit I'm not getting too far on my own with these projects.  :-(  Sad but true.....
Here's the list I posted on the "Challenge" blog -

If I can finish 5 of the things from my list in 2011, I'll be quite happy!

Here's my list - and I reserve the right to edit! ;-)

1. Stoney Creek - The Lord's Prayer
2. Shepherd's Bush - Holy Night
3. Prairie Schooler - Snowflake Tree (from Christmas Trees I leaflet)
4. Rosewood Manor - And A Forest Grew
5. Brenda Keyes - Heaven Doth Ask
6 - 10. Drawn Thread - Spring Arbor, Summer Arbor, Autumn Arbor, Winter Arbor
11. My Big Toe - Be Not Forgetful
12. Just Nan - Queen of the Needle Sampler Sewing Case
13. Bygone Stitches - Quaker Virtures (3 pages!)
14. Drawn Thread - Open Heart
15. Victoria Sampler - Count Your Blessings Etui

And not started but hopefully a finish in 2011 -
Shepherd's Bush America

Nothing small, nothing even halfway finished! I've lost my mind - and this is just a drop in the bucket....

Okay blogging friends - I hope you will all help me with my goal - 5 items from this list finished by Dec. 31, 2011.  Okay, enough laughing at me.  I'm being serious here!

 Have you stopped laughing yet?  Hello.....  is anyone out there?  Please get up off the floor........  hello????   Will someone please answer me????

PS-I'll be back later with a couple of pictures!  :-)


Faye said...

Hey Amy~~ If I can do it, YOU can do it!! I joined up too a while back and am now trying to see what I am going to tackle first..... Or maybe I will work on all of them at the same time...hahahaha..I think that's whats gotton me in the shape I'm now with all these WIPS..

Good luck!! You can do it and we will all be here to cheer each other on!!

Glad you had a good day with Karen...Hsppy New Year!!


Jackie's Stitches said...

I like that you're not expecting to finish all 15! Personally, my goal is to just have fun. Deadlines are kind of a downer.

FIONA said...

Hi Amy - I did read about the challenge - can you tell me - is it only for cross stitch projects or anything at all????? Good idea and good luck!!

Kathy said...

Ha Ha Amy.

I am on this challenge and haven't even pulled my list together. I guess I better get busy. :) Don't worry we will all be cheering each other one.


Deb said...

I'm not laughing Amy - you can do it. You should see my list - every time I look at it I do laugh. But if we all encourage each other, maybe we all will have at least five finishes!!

Catherine said...

Good luck!! It will be fun to watch and see what you can do!

Jacqui said...

I don't have enough WIPs to do this, so I'm doing the Crazy Challenge instead. But good luck with this one, I'll be checking up on you.

Karen said...

You can do it!!!! Yes....I'm still a little nervous about the your "stash" of UFO/WIP but they are too pretty not to finish.

I will be watching!!!!!!!

Maggee said...

We will encourage each other in these challenges all across stitching blogdom! I am joining the same one as you, and hope to get my list together maybe tomorrow. Too tired tonight. Hugs.

Tricia said...

How fun to watch you finish these! I'm gearing up for the Crazy 15 new starts, since I don't have any WIP's . Most of them are small, though, so I should be able to finish a lot of them. :-)

Myra said...

You can do it Amy! I'll be here to help cheer you along.

Shelleen said...

I joined it , a couple of weeks ago plus I am doing the crazy challenge as well.

DonnaTN said...

I've joined that one and most of mine are large projects with a long way to go too. I'm hoping for a couple of those big ones to get finished and the rest we'll just see what kind of progress I can make.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I need to say...crap...did you see my sidebar? Now THAT's embarassing....
Together we will conquer :)

Cindy said...

I joined, too. I need to post my list yet...but it will mostly be BAPs. I will be seriously thrilled if I finish a couple of them. The main thing is it has forced me to 'fess up about how many of these things I have laying around, and bring them out of the shadows!

natalysneedle said...

Amy I am sure that you will meet your goal and exceed it.

Did that work for you?? No!!?? Didn't think so. Just Kidding!!

Hope you have fun with the challenge and post picks so we can see your progress!!!

Fiona said...

You can do it. I wouldn't even attempt to compile a list plus I know I would be lucky to finish just one UFO by Dec 2011. Will send you lots of encouragement.


Ellen S said...

Ok, Girly, I'm with you!! I've got a crazy amount of UFO's, every year I say I'm not gonna add to my stash,just stitch what I've got....yeah, right!!! I pulled out BC Snappers, stitched a border or 2 and back in the pile it went!!! Sooooo,if we all get behind each other maybe we can make a dent in the pile!!!


Katrina said...

LOL!!! You can do it :-). Great projects too.

carolm said...

No you have not lost your mind...I am still looking for all my WIP's and believve me there are more than 15. Keep stitching and enjoying what you pick up to stitch... Sincerely Carol M

Nicole said...

You can do it Amy!! :) I need to get back to many of my wips too, so I'll join you in getting some of them finished in 2011! :)