Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Christmas Tree.....

Here are some pics, as promised...

The tree skirt was made my Ray's Grandmother the year we married, so it's now 20 years old. I miss Grandmother very much & am reminded of her each year with our beautiful tree skirt & many of the crocheted ornaments she made for us. She also taught me to crochet & all the crocheted ornaments you see on our tree were made by either her or me.
I think the pics are clickable to make the larger in case you want to see anything close up.
I have many,many more stitched ornaments on stands & on an ornament tree on my table... I'll see if Ray will take more pics later! :-)
Thanks for looking & happy stitching!


lynda said...

your tree is beautiful Amy! what wonderful memories those ornaments must evoke! merry christmas!

Lara said...

ах какая ёлочка!!!! а какая юбочка у неё! класс!!!!

Lara said...

Бабушка молодчинка! очень тепло и трогательно!

Unknown said...

Those pictures are fantastic! I really appreciate the story of Ray's grandmother. It is great when we can learn from our elders. Especially since I now qualify as an elder - LOL

Carolyn NC said...

I love your tree & ornaments!

Karol said...

Your tree is lovely. Looks as if it is full of memories.

Annie Beez said...

Very pretty!

Andrea said...

A beautiful tree made even more special by all those hand-made ornaments.

Daffycat said...

It's a beautiful tree, Amy!

Cindy F. said...

Amy, your tree is truly amazing!! To think every ornie is handmade by you or Ray's grandmother! How wonderful! and the skirt she made is absolutely beautiful!

Sharon said...

Your tree is fantastic-all the ornaments are so pretty!

Einschies blog said...

Oh myyyy Amy, your christmas tree looks wonderful;-)))))))))

Merry christmas,

Unknown said...

Your Christmas tree is full of beautiful ornaments… I visited Hammacher Schlemmer for them.

Nicole said...

Amy, your tree is beautiful! All the ornaments are so pretty. I hope you have a very merry Christmas!!

Margaret said...

What a beautiful tree. I love trees that have memories like yours. My ornaments do too.
have a lovely Christmas

Kathy said...

Simply gorgeous! And so many, many beautiful handmade ornaments!
But I think I saw a few empty spaces. LOL
Merry Christmas.

Leah said...

Your tree is wonderful! I love when every suqare inch of a Christmas tree is covered in ornaments!!

nkuelbs said...

Amy: I love your tree, and I'm one that fills the tree full of ornaments, too. My kids complain there is no room left on the tree! Yours is simply beautiful, and it is wonderful to hear about where some of your ornaments have come from. Happy New Year! Nancy