Last week was a busy week with first one thing then another. I did stitch a few ornaments for the Pals Fall Fling ornament exchange. I hope to get some finishing done on those this week sometime. Yesterday one of my friends via Pals came up & I helped/taught her how to do some finishing. We finished 6 ornaments & they turned out pretty cute I think. She was happy with them, so that made me happy too! It was fun to spend time with her & teach her a little bit at the same time! :-) I also finished the private exchange piece that's going out to my "new" friend in the UK (waving hell0!)! It's going out in tomorrow's mail.... I do hope you will like it... I DO! :-) I'll post a pic once she has received it.
Last night I decided to stitch another ornament & opened a drawer that had ornament "stuff" in it & ran across 3 Tokens & Trifles "stockings" that I picked up last year at the retreat with the free patterns, so I thought, WHY NOT! I stitched the snowflake one last night & started on the quaker one and then finished it up tonight. I think they're kinda cute and boy were they EASY to do! I might give one to my mom & keep the other... not sure yet. 
See, aren't they cute? Sometimes it's fun to do something that's just so EASY! 18 ct paper & one color of floss is EASY & fun! :-)
I am going to do a few more ornamens & then get back to one of my larger WIP's that I haven't touched in awhile. I just get in the mood to stitch ornaments & can't seem to stop. It's a bit like eating chips (or chocolate!), you can't eat/stitch just "one"!
Have a great week ahead & happy stitching!
Very cute ornies..
Those are very cute! Can't wait to see the ornies you sent off!
Cute! I need to do some more things with perf. paper.. haven't for awhile.
Nice stockings Amy!
Those are really nice...they looks so pretty and you're right simple! Do you have to do something to the back of them? felt to cover the back maybe? Or do you stitch perfectly?
Cute! I love the blue one!
Hiya Amy,
I love your Christmas stocking ornaments and I am wondering where you got the patterns for them. Can you send me an email and let me know. My email address is
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