Petra & I are going to have a SAL starting Sept. 1st - anyone want to join in? You can find quite a few pics here - http://www.jardinprive.com/index.php?page=galerie and you can go here to buy the chart, etiher a PDF file or a paper pattern - http://www.jardinprive.com/index.php?mod=QC03
Okay, back to work for me... have a great day & HAPPY STITCHING! :-)
Had to add 2 more pics - I kinda like the 3 colors in this design & I always stitch Quakers in monochrome.... something different this time I think! :-)
by Monique

by Daniele

I can't wait to start!
I'm in!!!! I have this in my MUST DO pile so this is a great time to start it. Just can't make up my mind about which colors but not a bad problem to have! :)
I love this one! How cute it is - though my favorite is Daniele's. Thanks for sharing.
That is a really sweet design! I think I am going to have to SAL with you! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'm going to order the materials and get ready for a Sept 1 start! Meredith
Amy....you're killing me! I love the first one..the colors are so pretty.
OK...I am off to think long and hard about this one. May have to fall off the wagon!
Amy - this Quaker Lady design has hooked me - I ordered the PDF off of the site tonite and hope I did it right! The one by Monique is my favorite....I think..thougth they are all lovely. The colors in Monique's remind me of Emblem of Love by With My Needle (also in my stash waiting to be stitched!) I hope to join in your SAL though I probably won't keep up with you. LOL thanks for sharing this great design.
Beautiful pattern! I cant wait to see what you pick out as I know you dont like pink!~lol...but the one by Daniele is my fav....They are all beautiful! Enjoy!
Amy, you are such an enabler. dangit! i ordered the PDF just a bit ago. OY! count me in the SAL. Now to decide what color/colors i want to use. definitely thinking 40ct fabric though. hmmmmmmmm
Hi Amy, Do you know the colors that Monique used? I love hers and thought I may check those out. Thanks! Meredith
This is so cute! I may join in..will have to see..
Such a delight! Thanks for the enabling!
I read that you will carry this pattern soon. Do you know when you will get it in stock. I would love to order it and joing the SAL.
Please let me know how to join the Quaker Lady SAL. I can't seem to be able to find your email address.
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